• from Nick Cave on the Fragility of Life by Amanda Petrusich

    grief and remembering

  • from Nick Cave on the Fragility of Life by Amanda Petrusich

    grief and remembering

  • from Nick Cave on the Fragility of Life by Amanda Petrusich

    grief and remembering

  • from Nick Cave on the Fragility of Life by Amanda Petrusich

    grief and remembering

  • N₁₀ - Attention Management App for Mac

    Thumbnail of N₁₀ - Attention Management App for Mac

  • from No Part Of Yourself Is Unworthy.

    bits of wisdom

  • from Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers

    writing & storytelling

  • from Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers

    writing & storytelling

  • from On limitations that hide in your blindspot

    writing & storytelling