Rohit Vaish


  • Things to come back to when I’m feeling meh

  • the trade

  • A Taxonomy of Moats | Reaction Wheel

    by reactionwheel.net

    Thumbnail of A Taxonomy of Moats | Reaction Wheel

    the trade

  • Things to come back to when I’m feeling meh

  • Things to come back to when I’m feeling meh

  • How To Survive The Apocalypse

    by Tom Morgan

    Thumbnail of How To Survive The Apocalypse

  • Things to come back to when I’m feeling meh

  • Things to come back to when I’m feeling meh

  • Why Are We Surprised That Startups Are So Freaking Hard?

    by Benn Stancil

    5 highlights

    Thumbnail of Why Are We Surprised That Startups Are So Freaking Hard?

    the trade

  • The American Dream is Going Digital

    The American Dream is Going Digital: The Land of Opportunity is the Internet This tweet went viral. As one might expect, the responses ranged from despair over a lost generation of youth, to proclamations that China would inevitably overtake the West as the leading superpower. Some ascribed ...

    by Chris Paik

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of The American Dream is Going Digital
