Rishita Chaudhary
Difference between Propositional and Perspectival Knowledge
Propositional knowing: knowing that is something the case
Persperctival knowledge - knowing what’s it’s like to be you in your state of mind, here, right now.
The parenting thing is that a couple is always fundamentally at an informational asymmetry about making a decision on whether or not
... See moreCognitive endurance refers to the capacity of independent engagement with a challenging problem, in the presence of accessible solutions. For example, a student’s cognitive endurance regulates how long they struggle with a math problem before looking up the solutions in the textbook’s appendix.
Like athletic endurance, cognitive endurance can be tra
... See morethoughtlessness in the digital realm and Pay attention to what you’re paying attention to
To give someone control in a video game is to enable them to make mistakes, horror comes from simply living with the consequences.
Jacob Geller
“At the same time, art cannot be understood in terms of purpose. As the sculptor Charles Ray has said, art is “for absolutely nothing.” To make, or experience, art is to enter a kind of free zone; it slows us down, places us in some epistemological estuary, takes us into the wild. We make art from our flaws, fragilities, perversities, from our need
... See moregrowth feels uncomfortable because you've outgrown the old ways of being within yourself, and the new ways of being still aren't familiar so they feel unsafe. at the same time, there are parts of your old self that you miss, but also fear of a new chapter because you've never done it before.
i know that once this period of distress is over, good wi
... See moreMany thinkers (including Einstein) discuss creativity as a kind of “combinatory play.” Reading gives us more pieces to play with—more combinatory possibilities. Just as honey from different regions takes on different flavors, the combination of our reading produces different flavors in our own thought and writing.
Some folks have difficulty with Peck's definition of love hecause he uses the word "spiritual." He is refering to that dimension of our core reality where mind, body, and spirit are one. An individual does not need to be a believer in a religion to embrace the idea that there is an animating principle in the self—a life force (some of us call it so
... See moreBut the novels of Dostoevsky "are composed purely and wholly of the stuff of the soul. Against our wills we are drawn whirled round, blinded, suffogated, and at the same time filled with a giddy rapture. Outside of Shakespeare, there is no more exciting reading." Ultimately, Russians realize,
"we are souls, tortured, unhappy souls; whose only busine
... See morei’ve found it incredibly difficult to come to terms with the fact that people can just come and go out of our lives and all we are left with is grief and loss. most of the people we meet in life are just passing moments. you’ll know them for a brief period before they are a stranger again and there’s nothing you can do about this. you don’t want to
... See moreWhen it comes to things like relationships, the bonds we form are ever-evolving and impossible to fossilize, just as the living internet will always trace back to links that stop functioning. But if the internet is fundamentally not meant for keeping, I’d still like to imagine what more it has to offer us.
The frailty of profit-oriented projects tha
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