• from Quote Origin: Fascist Movement – To Fascinate Fools and Muzzle the Intelligent – Quote Investigator® by byquoteresearch


  • from Heinlein's Rules of Writing: Principles for Success - WRITERS HELPING WRITERS® by Becca Puglisi


  • from Things I'm thinking about by sari azout

  • from Solvitur Ambulando: It Is Solved By Walking

  • from Sign in

  • A self-question: what is my personal mission in life? (What drives me? What are my values? What do I want my legacy to be?) — When considering a new job, researching a company, etc., I often look at their mission statement to see whether I feel I would be a good fit. I also keep coming back to the mission while working at that company to see if th
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from Sign in


  • from Peter Higgs interview: 'I have this kind of underlying incompetence' by Decca Aitkenhead


  • from Analyst or Moralist?


  • from First drafts - Austin Kleon
