Erikc Perez-Perez


Chicago photographer.

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    I am sitting deeply with the knowing that in our purest state we are perpetually creating. There is no need to consume in order to create. You do not need to sacrifice in order to manifest. You are living in an electromagnetic instrument that can generate energy through the creative process. This sacrificial martyrdom concept comes from the time our global cultures moved away from esoteric Gnosticism towards Christianity. No longer were you expressions of God here to self-realise and self-actualise, suddenly you were God-fearing and in need of sacrifice and repentance. This concept also serves the capitalism model at its core as it would quite literally collapse if we weren’t all constantly consuming. You are a divine creator, not a consumption machine in a system you don’t believe in. There is creative desire in everyone of us in some form or another and it yearns to ask AM I? With each act of creation consciousness speaks through you — I AM. You serve love best by creating in your pure unique expression as a sovereign being on earth.

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