Pedro Parrachia


Pedro Parrachia


Tending to the Gardens of digital-native regeneration

'Shared Data,' a short story from an alternate future

Thumbnail of 'Shared Data,' a short story from an alternate future

Coordination Problems and

Andy Matuschak Enabling environment

On Success

Ruth Catlow Radical Friends - Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Arts - Furtherfield

No Thanks

Harry Cleaver The Zapatistas and the Electronic Fabric of Struggle*

Kelsie Nabben Decentralised Technologies as “Self infrastructuring”

Radical Friends - Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Arts - Furtherfield

Ruth Catlow • 1 highlight
Cover of Radical Friends - Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Arts - Furtherfield

GVN Three Eras of World Generation