Mickey Patel


  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    read this when the mind is loud

  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    read this when the mind is loud

  • from Atmamun by Kapil Gupta

    the truth

  • from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson, Jack Butcher,

    on happiness

  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    read this when the mind is loud

  • from Sivers by Hell_Yeah_or_No

    the art of writing

  • from A quote by Jim Carrey by Jim Carrey

    read this when the mind is loud

  • from How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion by Derek Sivers

    read this when the mind is loud

  • from 30 Lessons From Art / Business / Life — Kening Zhu

    the inner compass