Melanie Levitin


  • Values-Based Data Science & Design

    Thumbnail of Values-Based Data Science & Design


  • 👷 Games I made - a list of social practices

    Thumbnail of 👷 Games I made - a list of social practices


  • Endy hiring Director, Category Management in Toronto, Ontario, Canada | LinkedIn

    Thumbnail of Endy hiring Director, Category Management in Toronto, Ontario, Canada | LinkedIn

    Opportunity / Team Exploration

  • The Subtext | Resources: Writer's Toolkit

    Thumbnail of The Subtext | Resources: Writer's Toolkit


  • Strategic Foresight & Futures Studies Collection - start.me

    Thumbnail of Strategic Foresight & Futures Studies Collection - start.me


  • Stora Skuggan – Thumbsucker by Tove Lund

    Thumbnail of Stora Skuggan – Thumbsucker by Tove Lund


  • Opportunity / Team Exploration

  • Quote from “The reason little noises drive you mad is about more than sounds | Psyche Ideas”

    Thumbnail of Quote from “The reason little noises drive you mad is about more than sounds | Psyche Ideas”

  • Quote from “A look inside Miss Piggy’s creator's art-filled Brooklyn duplex - Gothamist”

    Thumbnail of Quote from “A look inside Miss Piggy’s creator's art-filled Brooklyn duplex - Gothamist”