Lucas Kohorst
- That the ongoing conversation you have with yourself over the course of your life is the most important one to make sure you get right.
- How an artist perceives text-to-X generations:
Language is a great interface for what already exists, but incapable of describing what hasn’t been defined
- Sword Health has an interesting org structure where they essentially hire GMs for a new business line, give them an internal "seed round" and then they need to use that money to recruit people internally once they hit certain metrics they give a "series A" or kill the product
- what is the single best book you can read that will explain an entire industry?
- this house... See more
- @BigMeanInternet years ago, I launched a startup called @Beetswap so that people who liked beets, but not the greens, could trade with people who like the greens, but not beets. But bizarrely it didn't take off.
- You cannot beat the prediction market.