Lucas Kohorst
- A few more things to know: - Since 1988, prediction markets have beaten professional pollsters 74% of the time.[1] - In the corporate setting, prediction markets almost always beat expert forecasts.[2,3,4] - Polymarket is implemented as open-source smart contracts on a public blockchain. This means that they can't manipulate the matching engine.... See more
Election Predictions as Martingales: An Arbitrage Approach
Grant Guide by Merge Club
Getting Nuked?
Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
- my office hours are OPEN what do you need feedback or advice on, what questions do you have, what secret trouble stirs thy breast
- Seeing lots of new media companies being right now. I love it! However, be careful building generalized media. B2C media is a graveyard. - huffington post - buzzfeed - vice - complex - mic - mashable - ozy - quartz Build for everyone and you build for no one. Instead study B2B media. - industry dive - freight waves - the information - s... See more
AI Grant