Lucas Kohorst
2005 Kenyon Commencement Address
David Foster Wallace's commencement address emphasizes the importance of awareness, choice, and how to think critically about everyday experiences, encouraging graduates to live consciously and meaningfully amidst life's challenges.
Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Liquidity and Prediction Market Efficiency
The paper investigates the relationship between liquidity and market efficiency in prediction markets, revealing that increased liquidity may not enhance pricing accuracy and can even worsen it due to naive trading behavior.
- my office hours are OPEN what do you need feedback or advice on, what questions do you have, what secret trouble stirs thy breast
- Seeing lots of new media companies being right now. I love it! However, be careful building generalized media. B2C media is a graveyard. - huffington post - buzzfeed - vice - complex - mic - mashable - ozy - quartz Build for everyone and you build for no one. Instead study B2B media. - industry dive - freight waves - the information - s... See more
AI Grant
- @wanyeburkett Or by making them sign a Certificate of Unprofitable Degree (inspired from Matt Levine's "Certificate of Dumb Investment")
Permissionless Capital, Global Consensus and New Markets