Lucas Kohorst
- A few more things to know: - Since 1988, prediction markets have beaten professional pollsters 74% of the time.[1] - In the corporate setting, prediction markets almost always beat expert forecasts.[2,3,4] - Polymarket is implemented as open-source smart contracts on a public blockchain. This means that they can't manipulate the matching engine.... See more
- my office hours are OPEN what do you need feedback or advice on, what questions do you have, what secret trouble stirs thy breast
- Seeing lots of new media companies being right now. I love it! However, be careful building generalized media. B2C media is a graveyard. - huffington post - buzzfeed - vice - complex - mic - mashable - ozy - quartz Build for everyone and you build for no one. Instead study B2B media. - industry dive - freight waves - the information - s... See more
- @wanyeburkett Or by making them sign a Certificate of Unprofitable Degree (inspired from Matt Levine's "Certificate of Dumb Investment")
- We are in full compliance with the law, we issue a NOTAM to the FAA before we launch our balloons and file a report to NOAA once a year and this falls under the Weather Modification Act which includes things like cloud seeding using silver iodide to make it rain. EPA does not regulate SO2 emissions in the stratosphere. Thank you so much for your co... See more
- Sports betting legalization reduces net investments of households by nearly 14% overall. $1 of sports betting reduces net investment by over $2, increases credit card debt, but has no effect on participation in lotteries or other online gambling outlets. See more
- Obsessed with the aesthetic of this 1975 brochure on an early iteration of Fedwire