Lillian Sheng


  • from The Neuroscience of Achieving Your Goals by every.to

  • from "Enough" by John Bogle

  • DoorDash is building its own network of dark stores (under the DashMart brand). Moreover, DoorDash is collaborating with retailers to help them master this new logistics format. Retailers act as wholesalers providing the products (inc. their private labels) and the delivery to the dark stores while DoorDash operates the dark stores and takes care o
  • ... See more

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  • from The End of Social Media and the Rise of Recommendation Media by Michael Mignano

  • from Premium special: Gamification of Chinese consumer tech by Lillian Li

  • from Can BeReal Deliver On Its Promise? by Kushaan Shah

  • from Oatly: The New Coke by Nat Eliason