The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens is a podcast that explores the systems science underpinning the human predicament. Conversation topics will span human behavior, monetary/economic systems, energy, ecology, geopolitics and the environment.
The first Wave Spell of the Tzolkin matrix. Thirteen days (as fractal units of time) for nurturing our being and reconnecting with our spirituality as a way of sensing the abundance of our planet Earth inviting all life to bloom.
Climate change, Covid and conflict; an increasingly dispersed multi-generational workforce that is crying out for meaning and belonging: The unrelenting pace of these leadership challenges is demanding an evolution in organizational thinking in response.
Life-centred design enables product designers and businesses of physical and digital products to consider the impacts of their products on all people, all non-humans, and all planet.
We then distill our research into key interconnected principles that underlie systemic health and collectively represent the eight principles of a Regenerative Economy: 1. In Right Relationship. 2. Views Wealth Holistically 3. Innovative, Adaptive, Responsive 4. Empowered Participation 5. Honors Community and Place 6. Edge Effect Abundance 7. Robus... See more
Instead of making things that add value back to a system, our current linear economic model extracts and processes raw materials from nature, produces pollution and returns negative externalities back to the planet in the form of waste — which then affects all living things in negative ways. Externalities are things not accounted for in the current... See more