Introducing PolytopiasThe word polytopia means “many places”. Unlike dystopias and utopias — which begin or end on the precipice of change — polytopias show the change from one state to another. They are stories that depict many people, many places, at many times. They demonstrate the incremental steps required to shift a system and how those syste... See more
The universal patterns and principles the cosmos uses to build stable, healthy, and sustainable systems throughout the real world can and must be used as a model for economic-system design.
Life-centred design enables product designers and businesses of physical and digital products to consider the impacts of their products on all people, all non-humans, and all planet.
3 Key Stakeholder Groups — All peoples, all non-humans, all planet — expanding human-centred design’s stakeholders from just ‘business and target users’ to ‘all peoples (across the supply chain, related communities, and ‘invisible’ humans), all non-humans, and all planet’
A Declaration of the Interdependence of Cyberspace. A r evision of John Perry Barlow’s 1996 Declaration for the Independence of Cyberspace (view the diff here). It is also a reaction to Facebook’s recent rebranding as Meta, and to the dominance of large, centralized companies on today’s Internet, those we refer to in the document as the "Closed Fie... See more