Leslie Liszak
Leslie Liszak
I am seized by two contradictory feelings: there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable for a moment; there is so much shit in the world that it is incredible we are ever happy for a moment.
Spirituality is knowing that there's more to our limited idea of ourselves. To realise who we truly are.
the difference between delusion and faith?
the roots.
roots of ego or roots of spirit.
when you know, you KNOW.
The Great Wave at Kanagawa.
In essence, Zen is the art of living. All the teachings and practices of Zen are aimed at helping you live more wisely, more compassionately, and more fully. A Zen master has become adept at simply living her life, but she is not so much a master of her life as she is a master of the art of Zen study and practice.
Zen is, of course, a continuation of the old dhyana yoga, in which one just sits silently and allows one’s thoughts to go away by their own dead weight.
The goal of Zen is to awaken to life as it is, rather than stay in the comparative dream world of our ideas about it.