Daniel Wentsch
I'm writing this down because my grandpa turned me into an anti-fascist with all my heart for the rest of my life. I'm not wearing black on an antifa demo to beat up some Nazis. I mean the deep conviction that fascism must never – and I mean never – return to power. I've witnessed his distorted reality. He was a fantastic example for how well human
... See morefrom My Grandpa Was a Nazi by Bastian Allgeier
- I will often run into people who will say they need the right scenario to do their work. If they only had a better camera, or the right word processor, or a better organizational system they would begin doing the work. But you don’t need the perfect setup to do the work.
from Seth Godin Hates Being Organized by Seth Godin
- But being productive and being organized are not always the same thing. The trap with organizing is that it can sometimes be an excuse not to ship things.
from Seth Godin Hates Being Organized by Seth Godin
- Das BFSG macht damit die Einhaltung der WCAG mit den Stufen A + AA zur Pflicht.
from BFSG (Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz) by bfsg-gesetz.de
- Nun werden wir nie zu 100 Prozent verhindern können, dass es virenhaltige Tröpfchen oder Aerosole auf unsere Schleimhäute schaffen. Doch durch eine einfache und kostengünstige Maßnahme zu Hause können wir potenzielle Erreger anscheinend entfernen, noch bevor sie die Zellen kapern. In einigen Studien erwies sich Gurgeln mit grünem Tee, Kochsalz- ode... See more
from Erkältungen: Wie sich einer Erkältung vorbeugen lässt
It should feel a bit loose. Such is the nature of bottom-up systems (6.1). There are no “occupied slots,” because there is no prescribed order. Therefore, there is no need to worry about which alphanumeric IDs have already been taken. Choose any alphanumeric ID that adequately establishes a relationship between the two ideas, and add it to the note
... See morefrom A System for Writing by Bob Doto
Don’t become overprotective of your main notes to the point where you stop making them. A main note’s contents can be as simple as an idea and a link to other ideas.
from A System for Writing by Bob Doto
Instead of allowing myself a slow morning after a restless night, I go for a run.
Instead of relaxing on the couch, I'm teaching myself how to code.
Instead of avoiding a difficult conversation, I embrace it.
These things share one important truth: I know that I will feel better once they've happened. These actions are scalable because they optimize f
... See morefrom Life-Affirming Choices by marcel.io
- Life without a center
The theme I want to play with this year that builds on top of chalant is the letting go of having a central organizing principle, or purpose. It’s easy to see why putting energy into living authentically makes sense, but I think in order to really do this well I need to also let go of things making sense.from 48—Be Buster Benson, BBB, Be Be Be, 🐝🐝🐝 by Buster Benson