Kalyani Tupkary


Kalyani Tupkary


I design objects and interfaces - sometimes real, sometimes fictional.


Liz Stinson A Failed Soviet Experiment Offers A Warning To Today’s Burnout Generation

Lawrence-wright The Elephant in the Courtroom

A Failed Soviet Experiment Offers A Warning To Today’s Burnout Generation

Liz Stinsoneyeondesign.aiga.org
Thumbnail of A Failed Soviet Experiment Offers A Warning To Today’s Burnout Generation

Relationship with Time and

The Marginalian Einstein’s Dreams: Physicist Alan Lightman’s Poetic Exploration of Time and the Antidote to the Anxiety of Aliveness – The Marginalian

Lawrence-wright The Elephant in the Courtroom

Liz Stinson A Failed Soviet Experiment Offers A Warning To Today’s Burnout Generation

CRAIG ROBERTSON The Filing Cabinet

CRAIG ROBERTSON The Filing Cabinet

TikTok Face — Real Life

Thumbnail of TikTok Face — Real Life