Kalyani Tupkary


Kalyani Tupkary


I design objects and interfaces - sometimes real, sometimes fictional.


In Between Humans and Computers

Thumbnail of In Between Humans and Computers

Material Histories and

The bizarre history of cellphone towers disguised as trees

Joseph Strombergvox.com
Thumbnail of The bizarre history of cellphone towers disguised as trees

Richard Lewis How Different Cultures Understand Time

TikTok Face — Real Life

CRAIG ROBERTSON The Filing Cabinet

Maria Popova Cartographies of Time: A Visual History of the Timeline

Einstein’s Dreams: Physicist Alan Lightman’s Poetic Exploration of Time and the Antidote to the Anxiety of Aliveness – The Marginalian

The Marginalianthemarginalian.org
Thumbnail of Einstein’s Dreams: Physicist Alan Lightman’s Poetic Exploration of Time and the Antidote to the Anxiety of Aliveness – The Marginalian

Five Minutes to Moonflower (Published 2015)

Relationship with Time and

Stephen Monteiro The Fabric of Interface Mobile Media, Design, and Gender