• A Look Back at Q1 '24 Public Cloud Software Earnings

    Thumbnail of A Look Back at Q1 '24 Public Cloud Software Earnings

  • from research as leisure activity by Celine Nguyen

  • from Feeling seen · Molly Mielke by Molly Mielke

  • from well lol i finally got laid off...but on the bright side.......

  • Overcoming the Need to Be Exceptional

    by The School of Life

    1 highlight

  • from Steve Albini Was a Hater to His Core. And We’re All Better for It.

  • Tolerating Unknowns Will Make You Stronger

    Thumbnail of Tolerating Unknowns Will Make You Stronger

  • Adversarial Collaboration: An EDGE Lecture by Daniel Kahneman

    by Daniel Kahneman

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of Adversarial Collaboration: An EDGE Lecture by Daniel Kahneman