Johann Van Tonder
20 years in ecommerce, now CEO of a CRO agency. Probably doing analysis in R or building stuff with AI. Or walking on the beach. Yeah, probably that.
Johann Van Tonder
20 years in ecommerce, now CEO of a CRO agency. Probably doing analysis in R or building stuff with AI. Or walking on the beach. Yeah, probably that.
4 questions of organizations [about using AI].
- What did you do that was valuable that's no longer valuable?
- What impossible things can you now do that you could not before?
- What can you democratize and bring down market?
- What can you do upmarket so you have new ways of competing?
Ethan Mollick,
Meta AI released LLaMA ... and they included a paper which described exactly what it was trained on. It was 5TB of data.
2/3 of it was from Common Crawl. It had content from GitHub, Wikipedia, ArXiv, StackExchange and something called “Books”.
What’s Books? 4.5% of the training data was books. Part of this was Project Gutenberg, which is public dom
AI skepticism and
“they are experimenting unnecessarily when the problem is not yet known”
Melissa Perri
“The skill of actually figuring out what you need is probably as important as what you do after you figure it out.”
Pradeep GanapathyRaj via Matt LeMay
Our identity, our storyline, is created by what we repeat. It becomes what we believe.
Andy HS
The most successful people. . . often aren't directly pursuing conventional notions of success. They're working hard and persisting through difficulties because of their internal desire to control their lives, learn about their world, and accomplish something that endures.
Daniel Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, p. 60.