

Notoriously Curious, Data Science Nerd & Entrepreneurship Advocate Author of CuratedCuriosity - a bi-weekly newsletter with hand picked recommendations for your information diet
  • Cognitive & Behavioral Science

    35 cards · by Kassen Qian and

  • future of science

    9 cards · by Johanna and

  • Commitment

    56 cards · by sari and

  • Community Building

    101 cards · by sari and

  • Media Studies

    33 cards · by Keely Adler and

  • Early Career Advice

    60 cards · by Kassen Qian and

  • Future of time

    21 cards · by Lien De Ruyck and

  • innovation

    93 cards · by Prashanth Narayan and

  • Future of Talent

    42 cards · by sari and

  • the art of writing

    218 cards · by Brie Wolfson and