Jay Matthews


Aspiring corporate anthropologist, investment ecologist, & data psycho-analyst; Workaholic in remission
  • Calendar and Time Management

    49 cards · by sari and

  • venture capital

    49 cards · by Juan Orbea and

  • Evolution

    15 cards · by Ajinkya Wadhwa and

  • Big Data, ML, & Software Infrastructure

    27 cards · by Sam Blumenthal and

  • to communicate well

    87 cards · by sari and

  • collective intelligence

    39 cards · by Keely Adler and

  • Collective ownership, Coops, and User Owned Platforms

    237 cards · by sari and

  • innovation

    93 cards · by Prashanth Narayan and

  • Future of Money

    30 cards · by sari and

  • Analytics

    63 cards · by sari and