Jason Bergman
Jason Bergman
Jay Gould - extreme focus on one thing is a superpower. Avoid multi tasking.
Orangutan theory - if you go into a room and tell an orangutan what you’re thinking one person walks out smarter.
Buffet and munger - schedule time to think and avoid multi tasking. Default to no and keep an open calendar. Get rid of envy. Someone will always be doing whatever you can think of better - who cares?
Naval - if you can’t decide, the answer is no. You’ll never be absolutely certain but you should be very certain. If you’re ever split on a decision, choose the hardest short term pain. Most gains come from suffering in the short term to get paid in the long term. Accessibility to learning is abundant but the desire to learn is scarce.
Andrew Carnegie - Always know every dollar coming in and going out of your business to get ahead. Always invest in technology where your competitors aren’t. Be delighted to learn. Successful older generations love mentoring younger generations.
Only those who are asleep make no mistakes.
Charlie Munger