Jason Badeaux


Jason Badeaux


Cofounder of Anode Labs. Bringing energy independence to every home.

Worm Capital The Tesla Decade — Worm Capital

Startups and

Multicoin Capital: Proof of Physical Work

Multicoin Capitalmulticoin.capital
Thumbnail of Multicoin Capital: Proof of Physical Work

Web 3.0 and

Evan Conrad Where are all the crypto use cases? | Evan Conrad

Volts.wtf Rooftop solar and home batteries make a clean grid vastly more affordable

Mike Goldin Mike’s Cryptosystems Manifesto

Vasily Sumanov How can we understand and classify value creation in the web3.0 economy?

All Our Patent Are Belong To You | Tesla

Thumbnail of All Our Patent Are Belong To You | Tesla

Open Source Software and

Multicoin Capital Multicoin Capital: Proof of Physical Work

Version One Zero Marginal Cost Energy