Jason Badeaux


Cofounder of Anode Labs. Bringing energy independence to every home.
  • AOE Part II: DERs and Local Resilience

    by James McGinniss

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of AOE Part II: DERs and Local Resilience

    Renewable Energy and Energy

  • from The crypto mullet: web2 in the front, web3 in the back by John Milinovich

  • from Electrifying Everything: Let's Get Flexible by Grace Penders

  • Radicle - Decentralized Github

from Where are all the crypto use cases? | Evan Conrad by Evan Conrad

  • from Multicoin Capital: Proof of Physical Work by Multicoin Capital

  • There's real long-duration energy storage now. Can it find a market?

    by David Roberts

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of There's real long-duration energy storage now. Can it find a market?

    Batteries and Renewable Energy

  • from All Our Patent Are Belong To You | Tesla by Elon Musk

  • from Where are all the crypto use cases? | Evan Conrad by Evan Conrad

  • from All Our Patent Are Belong To You | Tesla by Elon Musk

  • from Lessons from Tesla’s Approach to Innovation by Jeff Dyer