It’s generic list of links, black and white monospaced font, and ALL CAPS headlines have survived every trend, every fad, every movement, every era, every design do or don’t.
Really unpopular opinion for designers:
it's easier, more joyful and beneficial to do free work for someone you like, than design and release your perfect portfolio with case studies.
The only rule for free work is that you should be the one to offer it, and not asked to do it.
We are shifting from the mode of “surging” on Tumblr with tons of people to get it to exciting growth, to working on how we can run Tumblr in the most smooth and efficient manner. Pretty amazing things in the social and messaging space have been accomplished with small teams, so I’m actually quite curious to see a smaller and more focused Tumblr’s ... See more
One mistake I often used to make at was offering a potpourri of business models (virtual goods, product placement, chat ads, contests, etc..). I was embarrassed to say would monetize with advertising when clearly that was the only answer. Own the simple business model.