Isabelle Levent


  • from 404 Not Found by Simon Colton

  • from Who gets credit for AI-generated art? – MIT Media Lab by Sydney Levine

  • from Creative Writing with an AI-Powered Writing Assistant: Perspectives from Professional Writers by Daphne Ippolito

  • from Do Artifacts Have Politics? by Langdon Winner

  • from Why "Prompt Engineering" and "Generative AI" are overhyped by Swyx

  • from Exploring 12 Million of the 2.3 Billion Images Used to Train Stable Diffusion's Image Generator - Waxy.org by Andy Baio

  • from Who gets credit for AI-generated art? – MIT Media Lab by Sydney Levine

  • from Creative—Critical—Constructive —Collaborative—Computational: Towards a C5 model in Creative AI by Creative AI Lab

  • from Creativity in a Nutshell by Margaret Boden