Isabelle Levent
Isabelle Levent
There’s another edge case as well; in theory, with the same prompts and the random seed that’s used for generating the images, you could end up with someone else generating the same, or a very similar, image as what you created.
Many methods for creating these models don't (and to be honest can't) attach the name, website and other details of every image and piece of text used to a create a new image in the metadata to every step of the process.
Prompting and
the reconfiguration of culture as a domain of not just human-made meanings but also machinic calculation
Creativity and
Much of the discussion this year is about text-to-image, but I believe this is a temporary stage; these things are going to continue evolving very quickly.
Many people don't consider that when they use the internet, be that making a simple HTML/CSS site, or using a site through a big conglomerate, scrapers are scraping and crawlers are crawling the content unless you've specifically configured robots.txt and no-index rules to prevent it.
Indeed, AI is a diffuse term that corresponds to a web of human actors and computational processes interacting in complex ways
I am utterly disgusted. If you really want to make creepy stuff, you can go ahead and do it. I would never wish to incorporate this technology into my work at all. I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself