Dave King


  • Thumbnail of Why don't routers look like this https://t.co/HcxfoKm8FI

    Why don't routers look like this https://t.co/HcxfoKm8FI

    by Anthony Paletta

    Curated home

  • Thumbnail of In a moment of randomness, I've came across this newsletter issue by @tomcritchlow on getting more client work.

Now that I'm refocusing on indie-ness, I realize this is something I do whenever I seek work: posting on socials, emailing former colleagues, and texting friends. https://t.co/JjwBEFGI3G

    In a moment of randomness, I've came across this newsletter issue by @tomcritchlow on getting more client work. Now that I'm refocusing on indie-ness, I realize this is something I do whenever I seek work: posting on socials, emailing former colleagues, and texting friends. https://t.co/JjwBEFGI3G

    by Itay Dreyfus

    New business development

  • Planning is a key agentic AI design pattern in which we use a large language model (LLM) to autonomously decide on what sequence of steps to execute to accomplish a larger task. For example, if we ask an agent to do online research on a given topic, we might use an LLM to break… Show more

    by Andrew Ng

    AI agents and agentic workflows

  • Thumbnail of Voice In My Head, a collaboration with @kcimc. 

With the proliferation of generated content, AI now seeps constantly into our consciousness. What happens when it begins to intervene directly into your thoughts? Where the people you interact with, the things you do, are guided by… Show more

    Voice In My Head, a collaboration with @kcimc. With the proliferation of generated content, AI now seeps constantly into our consciousness. What happens when it begins to intervene directly into your thoughts? Where the people you interact with, the things you do, are guided by… Show more

    by lauren lee mccarthy

    tools for thought