Debbie Foster
Debbie Foster
causation is, when it comes right down to it, synonymous with computation
I am arguing that precognition is just memory in reverse, or what we might for convenience call premory
There are good evolutionary reasons why strong emotion might play an important role in precognition (or James Carpenter’s “first sight”): It needs to orient us to new information relevant to our survival so that we can update our knowledge about the world in a fruitful way.
trend away from describing natural phenomena in terms of causes and effects to instead describing them in terms of information and its transformations.
is a delayed-choice version of the double-slit experiment in which the experimenters seem able to dictate what happens it the past by erasing (versus not erasing) quantum information in the present.
Knowledge evolves by the spreading of metaphors and the (mis)application of new concepts to different, seemingly unrelated questions—a healthy epistemic ecosystem depends on cross-fertilization, play, and error. The great anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss called it bricolage
everything made of matter, including brains, may bear the traces of their entanglements in both directions across time.
In her stunning 2007 meshing of critical theory, physics, and gender studies, Meeting the Universe Halfway, Barad revisited Bohr and his then-untestable Gedanken-experiments from the standpoint of recent developments in what she calls “experimental metaphysics”—the
is not unthinkable that the brain may turn out to be something like a squishy, pinkish-gray tesseract—a roughly six-inch-in-diameter information tunnel through time,