
Meet Zed – The Fast, Collaborative Code Editor.

IBM GitHub - IBM/unitxt: 🦄 Unitxt: a python library for getting data fired up and set for training and evaluation


public-apis GitHub - public-apis/public-apis: A collective list of free APIs

Hex - Do more with data, together.

Bunnyshell - Self-service Cloud Development Environments

PlasmoHQ GitHub - PlasmoHQ/plasmo: 🧩 The Browser Extension Framework

HumanSignal GitHub - HumanSignal/Adala: Adala: Autonomous DAta (Labeling) Agent framework

KomputeProject GitHub - KomputeProject/kompute: General purpose GPU compute framework built on Vulkan to support 1000s of cross vendor graphics cards (AMD, Qualcomm, NVIDIA & friends). Blazing fast, mobile-enabled, asynchronous and optimized...

Introducing PlayHT 2.0 Turbo ⚡️ - The Fastest Generative AI Text-to-Speech API