• from https://sf.gazetteer.co/those-weird-spam-texts-are... by Cat Ferguson

    Seth Werkheiser added 8h ago

  • from There's Too Much Damn Content by Stephen Moore

    Seth Werkheiser added 8h ago

  • Seth Werkheiser added 12h ago

  • You gotta be in it to win it

    by Collin Brooke

    Thumbnail of You gotta be in it to win it

    Seth Werkheiser added 12h ago

  • Jinni Kim on Substack

    by Jinni Kim

    Thumbnail of Jinni Kim on Substack

    Seth Werkheiser added 12h ago

  • The case against morning yoga, daily routines, and endless meetings

    by Andrew Chen

    Thumbnail of The case against morning yoga, daily routines, and endless meetings

    Seth Werkheiser added 2d ago

  • from The artist and the inner retreat

    Seth Werkheiser added 2d ago

  • Overthrowing Our Tech Overlords | NOEMA

    Thumbnail of Overthrowing Our Tech Overlords | NOEMA

    Seth Werkheiser added 7d ago

  • from The artist and the inner retreat

    Seth Werkheiser added 7d ago

  • from The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet by Yancey Strickler

    Seth Werkheiser added 7d ago