Thought provoking
“Confidence is belief in yourself. Certainty is belief in your beliefs. Confidence is a bridge. Certainty is a barricade.”
-Kevin Ashton
This is a good maxim to check your arrogance.
Don’t do any task in order to get it over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention. Enjoy and be one with your work.
—Thích Nhất Hạnh, The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation
“The most selfish act of all is kindness, because its reward is so much greater than the investment.” — Tom Peters
“No man was ever wise by chance.” — Seneca
“There is no failure in sports.” — Giannis Antetokounmpo
“There are two kinds of people in the world… and who is not both of them?” — James Richardson
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." — Carl Jung