Thought provoking
“I also tend to stress fiction because I think, especially among my professional peers in the industry of software, that there is too great a fondness for non-fiction. I think this arises from a belief that superior knowledge of the world comes from non-fiction. This thought is attractive to people who build systems, but over-systematizing and seei... See more
248 / Tips on how to read well
There is a kind of marinating that happens with very good works, they are always more than their story. The goal is not to digest information, but to layer over your reality with a fresh coat of moss. Y
248 / Tips on how to read well
“Reading is letting someone else model the world for you. This is an act of intimacy. When the author is morose, you become morose. When he is mirthful, eventually you may share in it. And after finishing a very good book one is driven a little mad, forced to return from a world that no one nearby has witnessed. ...
248 / Tips on how to read well
on thinking deeper
The difference between expressive and receptive language skills. As an attorney and author, I frequently come across people who can talk a great game. So articulate! So impressive! It took me a long time to realise these same people often don’t listen well. They struggle to grasp subtext, to synthesise new and old material, to absorb analogies and ... See more
304 / Beyond convenience: a truly smart home
“ Don’t just resist cynicism – fight it actively. Fight it in yourself, for this ungainly beast lies dormant in each of us, and counter it in those you love and engage with, by modeling its opposite. Cynicism often masquerades as nobler faculties and dispositions, but is categorically inferior. Unlike that great Rilkean life-expanding doubt, it is ... See more
318 / Fighting cynicism, choosing joy
Second-Order Thinking
Second-order thinking is a method of thinking that goes beyond the surface level, beyond the knee-jerk reactions and short-term gains. It asks us to play the long game, to anticipate the ripple effects of our actions, and to make choices that will benefit us not just today but in the months and years to come.
Second-order t... See more
Second-order thinking is a method of thinking that goes beyond the surface level, beyond the knee-jerk reactions and short-term gains. It asks us to play the long game, to anticipate the ripple effects of our actions, and to make choices that will benefit us not just today but in the months and years to come.
Second-order t... See more • Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions