Thought provoking
from Peter Watts: "We're not thinking machines, we're feeling machines that happen to think."
I have thousands of photos of my children but few that I’ve set aside to revisit. I have records of virtually every text I’ve sent since I was in college but no idea how to find the ones that meant something. I spent years blasting my thoughts to millions of people on X and Facebook even as I fell behind on correspondence with dear friends. I have ... See more
❤️ Frank Zappa quotes 💝 • • • • #frankzappa #frankzappaforever #frankzappaandthemothersofinvention #frankzappafans #frankzappaquote #frankzappaquotes #frankzappaandthemothers #frankzappamusic #frankzappaart #frankzappaday #frankzappaforpresident #frankzappaisthebest #frankzappavinyl #frankzappavault #frankzappaarchives #frankzappatattoo #frankzappabr #frankzappafriday #frankzappatribute"
what if public libraries were open late every night and we could engage in public life there instead of having to choose between drinking at the bar and domestic isolation
Ideas related to this collection