surveillance and data privacy education
Future Shock at 40: What the Tofflers Got Right (and Wrong)
fastcompany.comFuture Shock critique
Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Digital Pedagogy
link.springer.comPre-service teachers’ perceptions of data protection in primary education“The goals are to describe and analyze how these teachers perceive the risks associated with protection of data on the Internet and what they know about protection of data in primary education.”
The European handbook for teaching privacy and data protection at schools
biblio.ugent.beThe syllabus as a student privacy document in an age of learning analytics | Emerald Insight
emerald.comThe syllabus as a student privacy document
SCIRP Open Access
scirp.orgEducating Students’ Privacy Decision Making through Information Ethics Curriculum
Popular media often characterize youths’ use of social media as overwhelmingly negative, reporting that teens engage in reckless, unsafe behaviors with little thought to their online privacy or safety. Typically, these popular media accounts are based on adults’ prescriptive views of youths’ attitudes and behaviors.
Just a moment...
“Don’t be dumb — that’s the rule I try to live by.”
Youth, media practices, and privacy: Working with high school teachers to co-create curriculum for better awareness and practice
Giuliana Cucinellilearntechlib.orgResearch on Teaching Reformation of the Database Curriculum for Private Colleges and Universities Teaching Non-computer Majors | Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing
Feng-Ling Wangdl.acm.orgIP <> Human Rights