Inspirational Bites for Daily Living

Short stories, thoughts, wisdom, quotes and inspiration for day to day life.

by simon and · updated 1d ago

  • from Brain Food: Maximum Flexibility

    simon added 1d ago

  • Welcome | LOVINGKINDNESS for Self - 10-Day Guided Meditation Practices with Sharon Salzberg

    simon added 6d ago

  • The Benefits of Not Being a Jerk to Yourself | Dan Harris | TED

    simon added 7d ago

  • simon added 7d ago

  • from Excellent Advice for Living by Kevin Kelly

    simon added 8d ago

  • from How to Be a Good Listener by Molly Brodak

    simon added 8d ago

  • simon added 9d ago

  • Robin Good added 10d ago

  • simon added 10d ago