software starters

software starters

a collection of boilerplates, starter kits, and templates for launching software products quickly


GitHub - yournextstore/yournextstore: Your Next Store: Modern Commerce with Next.js and Stripe as the backend.
Thumbnail of GitHub - yournextstore/yournextstore: Your Next Store: Modern Commerce with Next.js and Stripe as the backend.

Stamati added 13d

GitHub - medusajs/nextjs-starter-medusa: A performant frontend ecommerce starter template with Next.js 14 and Medusa.
Thumbnail of GitHub - medusajs/nextjs-starter-medusa: A performant frontend ecommerce starter template with Next.js 14 and Medusa.

Stamati added 13d

GitHub - medusajs/medusa-starter-default
Thumbnail of GitHub - medusajs/medusa-starter-default

Stamati added 13d

GitHub - medusajs/b2b-starter-medusa: Official Medusa B2B Starter template. Features common B2B ecommerce requirements and can be easily adapted and extended.
Thumbnail of GitHub - medusajs/b2b-starter-medusa: Official Medusa B2B Starter template. Features common B2B ecommerce requirements and can be easily adapted and extended.

Stamati added 13d

GitHub - EinGuterWaran/awesome-opensource-boilerplates: A curated list of open source boilerplates and starter templates to kickstart your next project.
Thumbnail of GitHub - EinGuterWaran/awesome-opensource-boilerplates: A curated list of open source boilerplates and starter templates to kickstart your next project.

Stamati added 18d

GitHub - ethanniser/NextFaster: A highly performant e-commerce template using Next.js
Thumbnail of GitHub - ethanniser/NextFaster: A highly performant e-commerce template using Next.js

Stamati added 24d

Stamati added 1mo

GitHub - w3cj/hono-open-api-starter: A starter template for building fully documented type-safe JSON APIs with Hono and Open API
Thumbnail of GitHub - w3cj/hono-open-api-starter: A starter template for building fully documented type-safe JSON APIs with Hono and Open API

Stamati added 1mo

RockStack: SaaS kit for Next.js, Remix, and Svelte
Thumbnail of RockStack: SaaS kit for Next.js, Remix, and Svelte

Stamati added 2mo