software engineering 👩‍💻 💯
This pattern (set up, do work, clean up) is common across many different problem domains, so Python has a language feature to help with it. Context managers, defined using the with keyword, manage the setup and cleanup processes. Python's file objects support them, as do most database libraries.
Execute Program
By putting the database changes inside of a transaction, we can ensure that we either get all of the records or none of the records. We call that an atomic transaction: it happens completely or not at all.
Execute Program
Never be afraid to say that you don’t know something
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
We all suffer(ed) impostor syndrome
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
We all suffer(ed) impostor syndrome
Ólafur Waage • Advice to new Programmers
Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to where you were in the past.
Ólafur Waage • Advice to new Programmers
Dec. 19 • Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays
Julia Evans once said "behind every best practice is a horror story." If you don't understand a Best Practice, look for the horror story that inspired it. It might make the best practice make sense. It might turn out to be something that's completely irrelevant to you, and then you can feel comfortable doing a different practice instead.
Dec. 19 • Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays
- People don't listen to me because I'm a good programmer, they listen to me because I'm a good writer. The same is true of pretty much everybody you'll read. This doesn't mean you should automatically reject everything, but it means you should carefully think about it and evaluate how it applies to your situation. And take any argument about "object
Dec. 19 • Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays
Dec. 19 • Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays
Dec. 19 • Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays
Learn to deal with pressure
When you're in a real interview the world changes: You're locked in a cage with a lion. Every heartbeat is a gorilla bashing against the walls. Your mental gears gunk up as your body goes into fight or flight mode. Your clammy hands struggle to write half legible code on the white board. A threat hides behind every shado... See more
When you're in a real interview the world changes: You're locked in a cage with a lion. Every heartbeat is a gorilla bashing against the walls. Your mental gears gunk up as your body goes into fight or flight mode. Your clammy hands struggle to write half legible code on the white board. A threat hides behind every shado... See more