
Let’s make things better.

by Kyle Steinike · updated 1mo ago

  • It’s the Land, Stupid: How the Homebuilder Cartel Drives High Housing Prices

    by Matt Stoller

    Thumbnail of It’s the Land, Stupid: How the Homebuilder Cartel Drives High Housing Prices

    Kyle Steinike added 1mo ago

  • from 3-2-1: On creating the conditions for joy, how to go to hell, and the simple way to clarify your thinking by James Clear

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from 3-2-1: A mindset that can take you far in life, aging well, and the value of darkness

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from Patience

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from Brain Food: On keeping your options open, leverage, and courage

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from A Taxonomy of Fear by

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • from Why Tokyo Works by Cole Lubchenko

    Kyle Steinike added 4mo ago

  • Ideas related to this collection