At first, Anscombe answers this disjunctively: she identifies several cases which are not intentional, and several other cases that are. If you ask someone “Why are you doing that?”, and they give one of a few types of answers, this establishes that the action is not intentional. Such ways of answering can include 1) “I didn’t know I was doing that... See more
Eric Wiland • Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Theory of Intention - Philosopher Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe
Educators are there to help guide the curious mind through the moral, ethical, and socially valuable aspects of our time, not to provide a rigid and reductive framework that reinforces obedience.
Leyla Acaroglu • System Failures: The Education System and the Proliferation of Reductive Thinking
In general, schools today have become places where we actively discourage thinking that is not predefined, approved, and stamped by the larger social system of the day; as such, schools reinforce a reward system based on consumption, acquisition, and status increases
Leyla Acaroglu • System Failures: The Education System and the Proliferation of Reductive Thinking
Fundamentally then, school and all educative experiences must empower the learner to think freely about the complex world around them, and thus should be a liberator of oppression, not the reinforcer of it.
Leyla Acaroglu • System Failures: The Education System and the Proliferation of Reductive Thinking
Do the schools that we have designed best suit the world we are entering into? Has the old industrial form of education that our current system is based upon become obsolete? How can schools be designed to prepare young people for a changing world with increased needs for circular and systems thinking along with skills for a future that will be ver... See more
Leyla Acaroglu • System Failures: The Education System and the Proliferation of Reductive Thinking
In order to maintain a linear economic system of production, extraction, and waste that devalues inputs and takes limited responsibility for outputs, you have to reinforce these ‘devalues’ in society, and you do this by making young people conform through educative structures that perpetuate the linear system.
Leyla Acaroglu • System Failures: The Education System and the Proliferation of Reductive Thinking
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