what is Social Media doing to us?

what is Social Media doing to us?

Articles about social media platforms and their effects on society.

Jerod Morris and

Scott Galloway No Mercy / No Malice

Jia Tolentino on the Internet’s Endless Stage | Crooked Media


Latest Episodes | Honestly Podcast

Freddie DeBoerhonestlypod.com
Thumbnail of Latest Episodes | Honestly Podcast
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A Society That Lost Focus

Thumbnail of A Society That Lost Focus

How to quit Facebook without quitting Facebook

Jenny Odellvox.com
Thumbnail of How to quit Facebook without quitting Facebook

TikTok May Be a Chinese Bio-Weapon

Gurwinder Bhogalgurwinder.substack.com
Thumbnail of TikTok May Be a Chinese Bio-Weapon

How the Sausage Gets Made: Digital Marketing & Attribution

Sam Blumenthalcompoundingthoughts.substack.com
Thumbnail of How the Sausage Gets Made: Digital Marketing & Attribution

The Twitter exodus is going to a digital realm, new to many, called the Fediverse - a “federated universe” of healthy connections — THE ALTERNATIVE

The Alternativethealternative.org.uk
Thumbnail of The Twitter exodus is going to a digital realm, new to many, called the Fediverse - a “federated universe” of healthy connections — THE ALTERNATIVE