Social Media

Essays and more on social media

by Packy McCormick and · updated 1mo ago

  • from About

    simon added 1mo ago

  • from Building a More Honest Internet - Columbia Journalism Review by Ethan Zuckerman

    simon added 2mo ago

  • from Deliverance: A Journey Toward the Unexpected by Jon Thompson

    simon added 2mo ago

  • from Why Everything Is Becoming a Game by Gurwinder

    simon added 2mo ago

  • from Why Everything Is Becoming a Game by Gurwinder

    simon added 2mo ago

  • Abie Cohen added 3mo ago

  • from Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport;

    simon added 3mo ago

  • from Where Did TikTok Come From? by Ted Gioia

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from Myth and Metrics: How Social Media Robs Us of Ritual, and How to Revive It by Alexander Beiner

    simon added 4mo ago