Social Capital
Anyhow—we shouldn’t even be having this discussion .
We’re the richest country in the world. Heck, California is one of the richest countries in the world. And, in favor of our shitty rugged individualism , we have let the greater good go by the wayside. To put it kindly.
Melisse and I observed that—at least—in San Francisco, we could roll out of t... See more
We’re the richest country in the world. Heck, California is one of the richest countries in the world. And, in favor of our shitty rugged individualism , we have let the greater good go by the wayside. To put it kindly.
Melisse and I observed that—at least—in San Francisco, we could roll out of t... See more
Rocco Pendola • The Good And Bad During A Week In San Francisco: How It Impacted My Thinking About The Move To Spain
You Want a Social Life, with Friends
by Kenneth Koch
You want a social life, with friends.
A passionate love life and as well
To work hard every day. What’s true
Is of these three you may have two
And two can pay you dividends
But never may have three.
There isn’t time enough, my friends–
Though dawn begins, yet midnight ends–
To find the time to have love... See more
by Kenneth Koch
You want a social life, with friends.
A passionate love life and as well
To work hard every day. What’s true
Is of these three you may have two
And two can pay you dividends
But never may have three.
There isn’t time enough, my friends–
Though dawn begins, yet midnight ends–
To find the time to have love... See more
Madeleine Dore • You want a social life, with friends
Admittedly, an increased difficulty in impressing friends with neat tips and trivia hardly constitutes a social crisis. And perhaps benefiting from closely kept secrets was too easy in the past, anyway: In my Punch-Out example, I gained a disproportionately large amount of esteem for something that required very little effort or skill. But when the... See more
W. David Marx • The Diminishing Returns of Having Good Taste
I am a massive advocate of ensuring you have some peaceful time alone. After all, I’m a devoted introvert . I love time alone to think. I love long walks where I can muse on ideas and let thoughts churn and mature. But, experiencing something as a group isn’t about thinking.
This is about belonging - it goes to the core of what it is to be human.
Of... See more
This is about belonging - it goes to the core of what it is to be human.
Of... See more
Even Introverts Need Crowds
The convenience built into socialising in Spain makes it a low-effort ritual. It’s why the “living for the weekend” mindset doesn’t exist, and why the perennially semi-formal look of the average Spaniard makes it difficult to tell the day of the week by their clothes. Dressing correctly daily, they resist wardrobe categories such as weekday wear an... See more
What Spaniards wear
Do Yourself a Favor and Go Find a ‘Third Place’
We need physical spaces for serendipitous, productivity-free conversation.
We need physical spaces for serendipitous, productivity-free conversation.
Allie Conti • Do Yourself a Favor and Go Find a ‘Third Place’
As Oldenburg notes, people’s roles at home and the office are carefully circumscribed, but there’s no status markers at the dive bar except for the ability to drive conversation. That means the tone of such a chat is more playful than purposeful and that it’s completely democratic — if either party stops being entertained at any point, they can jus... See more
What Happens When Our Third Places Go Away?
Murthy offers a strategy to address loneliness that begins with building up the infrastructure that enables social connection. That includes physical infrastructure, such as parks and libraries, and also social infrastructure to weave together volunteers or enthusiasts with similar interests. Once again, Britain provides a model.
The English town of... See more
The English town of... See more
Opinion | We Know the Cure for Loneliness. So Why Do We Suffer?
Stuart Andrew, the British minister for loneliness, told me that one of the challenges of loneliness is the stigma that surrounds it.