Short Reframings

Bill Wear The Quiet Art of Attention

Renee Lertzman, PhD on LinkedIn: #righting #motivationalinterviewing #existentialpsychology #climatechange… | 17 comments
Thumbnail of Renee Lertzman, PhD on LinkedIn: #righting #motivationalinterviewing #existentialpsychology #climatechange… | 17 comments

Tom Critchlow LF08 - Embodied Futures

Kirsten Powers Italians Are Teaching Me About Rest

Anna Mackenzie A lot can change in a year

Chip Colwell Too much stuff: can we solve our addiction to consumerism?

Douglas Rushkoff The Shift is Real

Values Aren't Chains; They Are Wings

Gurwinder The Rise of Neotoddlerism

Thomas J Bevan Walking as Inactivity