Sentences that sing

Sentences that sing

Beautiful, devasting sentences of all kinds

Lauren Crichton

On vanity and forgetting

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David Sedaris first met Dawn in the front hall of their dormitory at Kent State when he was 19, and she was a year younger. “When people ask how I know Dawn, I sometimes say, ‘She was my girlfriend my second year of college,’ ” Sedaris writes, in a new essay. “I always worry, though, that it makes her look dumb.” It was a time before Reagan and computers and Run DMC—and before he came out. “Loving Dawn meant hating myself—for being gay, for being too cowardly to admit it, and, ultimately, for hurting her the way I did. I will forever be grateful that she forgave me, and that we can be in love again.” At the link in our bio read Sedaris on his lifelong friendship with Dawn.
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