Research and Systems Thinking
I believe that anything that people make on their own, anything they create for pure pleasure, is beautiful.
People will sit alone in their basements playing guitar simply because they like the sound. They’ll paint, write poems, and whittle wood into little figurines without any expectation of gaining money or fame. It just makes 'em feel good. All... See more
People will sit alone in their basements playing guitar simply because they like the sound. They’ll paint, write poems, and whittle wood into little figurines without any expectation of gaining money or fame. It just makes 'em feel good. All... See more
Adam Mastroianni • An Invitation to a Secret Society
What does it look like to do things “the beautiful way”? From a place of pleasure and deep joy? What is the felt sense in the body when the action comes from pleasure?

The idea of research as leisure activity has stayed with me because it seems to describe a kind of intellectual inquiry that comes from idiosyncratic passion and interest. It’s not about the formal credentials. It’s fundamentally about play . • research as leisure activity - by Celine Nguyen
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