Relationship with self
One of the great benefits of writing down the events in your life is that you will begin to see your existence as a grand story.
Schmerz ist Bindung. Wer jeden schmerzhaften Zustand ablehnt, ist bindungsunfähig. Intensive Bindungen, die schmerzen könnten, werden heute gemieden. Alles spielt sich ab in einer palliativen Komfortzone. In seinem Buch »Lob der Liebe« weist Alain Badiou auf den Werbespruch eines Dating-Portals hin: »Es ist ganz leicht, verliebt zu sein, ohne zu le
... See moreByung-Chul Han • Palliativgesellschaft
Spaceship You“Rebecca Solnit put it much the same way…: ‘I suspect that the mind, like the feet, works at about three miles an hour. If this is so, then modern life is moving faster than the speed of thought.’ In other words, thoughts – or souls – can get left behind if their hosts move too quickly
“Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves.” — Rollo May, “Man’s Search for Himself”