To become human
is to become visible
while carrying
what is hidden
as a gift to others.
—David Whyte
The old skin has to be shed
before the new one can come.
If we fix on the old, we get stuck.
When we hang onto any form,
we are in danger of putrefaction .
Hell is life drying up. ”
― Joseph Campbell
Rediscovering Ourselves: Navigating Identity in Life Transitions
“Exercising any new behavior requires awareness, activating new neural pathways, and reorganizing the shape and functioning of our bodies. Stabilizing it requires a biological process of establishing new default patterns in our neurological and muscular systems.”
—Doug Sillsbee, Presence Based Coaching
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
—Teddy Roosevelt
“The world is more magical, less predictable, more autonomous, less controllable, more varied, less simple, more infinite, less knowable, more wonderfully troubling than we could have imagined being able to tolerate when we were young.”
—James Hollis
“Any person at forty or fifty years of age who is not appalled by some of his or her choices in the earlier decades is either dumb lucky or remains unconscious.”
—James Hollis
“The mind unanchored in the body is always trying to be something or somebody, the mind is always attempting to control the body: the body exists in its own form of freedom, always under the gravitational influence of something far beyond the mind's understanding.”
—David Whyte, Constellations II
“In the history of the collective as in the history of the individual, everything depends on the development of consciousness.”
—Carl Jung
A quote by Herbert A. Simon
“Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.”
—Pablo Picasso